Monday, July 30, 2012

TRANSMEET - Comic Book

I'm really happy to announce TRANSMEET a new comic book that Juliana Azevedo and I created a while ago and will be published by 215ink. If you like science fiction and art noir you can't miss this.
Take a look at the material below and if you want to get a copy just follow the links at the end of this post.


Promotional Ad
Transmeet - Promotional Ad

Transmeet - Cover

Teaser Images
Transmeet - Teaser
Transmeet - Teaser
Transmeet - Teaser
Transmeet - Teaser
Transmeet - Teaser
Transmeet - Teaser
Transmeet - Teaser

The story is now available at the 215ink website and you can get your copy by simply clicking here.

Give us a shout on Twitter.
Juliana - @juli_ana90
Mauricio - @mpommella
215ink - @215ink

We hope you'll enjoy it as much as we do.

Thanks for stopping by.

Mauricio Pommella.

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